Friday, September 09, 2005

"In the year 2000.... Charmin will be forced to create a new 10 ply toilet paper after Taco Bell introduces its new Diarreto Supreme" - Andy Rictor

Tonight was a great night... I found a cd going through all this crap in my room that has a bunch of old Conan O'Brien bits on it. The quote above was part of the In The Year 2000 when Andy Rictor was a guest. If y'all missed last nights Conan you need to check it out at 6pm (Central) on MSNBC... "Clutch" was quite funny as they had both Bush and Clinton on.

I went to the dentist today during work and was bored out of my freaking mind. When I first got there I already knew this was a "hangout" for the female variety. I walked in and all the magazines were of the redbook, cosmo, and etc type crap. The damn television was set to "Guiding Light" and the ladies running the check-in kept poking her head out the window to see what was happening. After I was finally called (15 min late) I went back and my mouth about hit the floor... the 3 ladies I saw in the back cleaning teeth were all hot as hell and southern girls so they had that "twang" in their voice. I went into my room and sat down... the redhead from the back came into my room and went about her process of the crap she has to do. I talked when I didn't have x-ray stuff in my mouth, but when she was cleaning them I made her laugh so much that she had to stop twice. The entire time I was having to try and keep focused and not let my eyes wonder. After she was finished the actual dentist walked in... holy crap. The lady looked like she was maybe 28 or so and was the best looking one of the bunch. With the dental assistant I felt like I had been taken out to dinner and invited in for coffee... with the dentist I felt like I was used and abused with this lady... she went "tap tap tap" some teeth and looked with that mirror thing and was done, but did tell me that I had terrific spacing... boo yaa.

Well it is 5:12am as I finish this... I need to learn to open this damn thing and just type instead of getting distracted and doing something else. Well I'm off to pass out again.

Later mofo's... later.


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