Saturday, August 27, 2005

"You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair" - Ron Burgundy

Today I had to wake my ass up at 6:45am today and go to the Floyd Casey Stadium to do our football run through and naturally there were a few problems, but most got ironed out. Since we got our new cable system and equipment there have been some sync problems and etc, but they will all be ironed out by the first game against Samford... yeah Samford, we should win that one.

As I sat down eating my lunch today I was discussing with a friend of mine that New Hampshire, Vermont, Mass., Conn., and Rhode Island should form a super state. I mean look at Rhode Island... it is all their little bitch. It pretty much is in a constant 3 way with Mass and Conn, that has to suck. Combining them they would then have a crap load of the Ivy League schools (Penn, Columbia, Cornell, and Princeton of course being in Penn, NY, and NJ respectfully). If this were to happen I'm sure they would try and secede from the United States and form their own country... radical liberal crazies. Now I'm not bitter or against liberals... far from it, but radicals I can't stand. I have many democrat friends and actually have many democrat ideals... but man I can't stand those whiney liberal momma's boys and daddy's girls who know nothing of what they speak and claim to. Hell Kerry and Bush claimed to know the values of the average American, but strangely they both never had to do anything to get where they are (both families are loaded beyond belief). Bush actually did better in college than Kerry, but guess what that doesn't mean crap cause guess what... They both suck; I would sooner have a monkey who licked his ass than those two.

Anyway I am gonna pass out now or I will probably type for about 5 pages.

Word mofo's... word


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