Thursday, August 25, 2005

"Let me tell you a little bit about the Peter Blunt system... You see first I find out where you live and then I come to your house..." Randy Quaid

Ahh the theatrical genius that is Caddyshack II. The enitre quote will be placed below...

"You certainly made it very clear how your legal system works Mr. Young. Now, I'd like to explain a little bit about the Peter Blunt system. You see, I don't go in for lawsuits and motions or any of the legal stuff. No, no, you see what happens is, uh, I find out where you live and then I come to your house, see? And, I beat down your door with a fu**ing baseball bat! And, then I'm gonna make a bonfire with the Chipendale. Maybe roast that Golden Retriever, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, then eat it! And, then I'm coming upstairs, junior, and I'm gonna grab you by your Brooks Bros. P.J.s, and then I'm gonna take your brand new B.M.W., and cram it up your tight ass! Do we have an understanding!?"

Caddyshack II was actually my first dvd purchase and has gotten quite a lot of viewing out of it. Not bad for 6.99 huh. After seeing it earlier today I made the decision to go ahead and play a round of golf. Did quite well considering I haven't played an actual round in forever. When I was in junior golf and etc I could drive, chip, and putt and beat almost anyone... then came 8th grade and then I developed the nastiest slice I have ever seen, well not as bad as Jack Hartonian's in Caddyshack II, but damn was it bad. Hell I could aim to the left of the hole at like a 45 degree angle and maybe have it hit in the middle of the fairway. I was there today and I can still drive about 290-305 yards, but man has my short game gone to s**t.

The best part about golf today though was that on the 11th hole some old dude hit my cart and I flew out acting as if he had hit me going about 40 mph. Screaming and grabbing my knee and punching the ground and when he came up to see if I was ok I popped up and ran for my cart and floored it.

For some strange reason I have the urge to go to a mexican restaurant and then walk out with crushed chips in my mouth and crawl on my hands and knees out the door coughing and saying "Don't eat the tacos," but somehow I don't think that will go over as well or be as funny to the owners or guests there as it would be to me.

Currently at work at the moment and I just finished playing the Xbox here. Yeah I get to play video games for work since we are trying to use NCAA College Football for some cutaways and plays that I can do on there (it's like having the camera at the Super Bowl since it can go anywhere and records in 360 degrees). After that we sat and watched 2 episodes of Seinfeld Season 4 (The Handicapped Spot and The Junior Mint). Absolutely classic episodes... love it when Jerry has no idea what this chicks name is and guesses "Mulva" since her name rhymes with a female body part, but in the end it was Doloris.

On a closing note I have found a nation of people that I loathe more than DMB... I can't stand the French... mofo's and their constant Lance Armstrong bashing. It is amazing that the French Newspaper prints it and then the head of the Tour de France says it is completely factual and Armstrong has deceived everyone... All the riders have said that "Wow the word of a terrible journalist out to get someone for being better than everyone else against Lance... I choose Lance." Man during the Treaty of Versailles we should have given the Germans France... let those smug bastards speak Deutch and eat sauerkraut... I hope they all choke on their food.


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