Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"This picture of Queen Elizabeth that is on fire gives new meaning to the phrase Hey man check out that flaming queen." - Trisha Takinawa (FG)

Well I just sat down and once again realized that I haven't written in this thing for a long time yet again. Even after I said I would, but guess what I'm a busy person... playing video games for work so that they can go up on the jumbo tron during the football games.

Right now I'm watching Celebrity Poker Showdown and it is some really hot chick called Amber, Cheryl from Curb Your Enthusiasm, Anthony Anderson, and Alex Trebeck. Man it is so freaking weird to see that dude without a mustasce. I think this Amber chick is the Joan of Arcadia girl. These people are so crappy at poker it isn't even funny. Trebeck just took that girl to school though... man he bascially slapped her across the face and took all her money. Man that has to suck to lose to Trebeck, that dude is such a tool with his "Ohh I'm sorry you need to answer in the form of a question." Haha she has a beer in her hand and she just gave the camera the finger.

Trebeck just won a hand and was like "Someone get me a fu***ng drink." That is absolutely priceless.

All I can say is thank god they got rid of Kevin Pollock on this damn show cause him with all those impressions were staring to piss me off seriously. David Foley was on a great show back in the day... gotta love News Radio. That cast has done some interesting things... the head of the station was the nerd guy on Dodegball, the hot chick that foley's character liked is on E.R., Andy Dick... well everyone knows about Andy Dick, and etc.

If anyone who's reading this has any idea who I'm talking about here I'd really appreciate the head's up. Ok I was watching the Food Network the other day and was flipping through ahd stopped on a show that I didn't care what on earth they were doing I just sat and watched. She could have been telling me how to eat people the right way I wouldn't have cared. I've been asking around and everyone is like "Ohh I know who you are talking about... yeah she is freaking amazing, but I don't know her name." Guess what that doens't help me. My goal is to be a stalker and no one here is helping me and that is starting to piss me off.

Ohh on another note, my NYC family's favorite game is now back at McD's... gotta love Monopoly. So far I've got me 4 Best Buy bucks, a free medium fry, and 3 really crappy places.

Later mofo's... later.


Blogger rena said...

you're talking about rachel ray on the food network. i love her.

on another note, sorry i didn't reply to the IM last night, i didn't know what you meant, but now i do and *heart* for plugging it, time to gain some weight and clog my arteries! yesss!

7:24 AM  

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