Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"See if you can guess what I am right now... (punches cheeks)... I'm a zit, get it?" - John Belushi aka Bluto

Well once again my I forget to post for a few days... keeping those loyal viewers from reading my rantings. I'm so ashamed of myself for that, I should never shelter my thoughts from the world.

Today I woke up and had a good idea and had it in my head and kept repeating it so I wouldn't forget it, but guess what... when I was in the shower I completely forgot. I've been so pissed all day for forgeting it that I almost jammed bamboo shutes under my finger nails, but then realized that would do crap and I'm not big on pain except of course when I've been given a crap load of drugs like codine and etc.

I did go out and get The Longest Yard today, but naturally it is 430am and I have yet to watch it. Basically I'll probably remember I got it sometime this weekend, but I need to start studying for my GRE exam that I'm taking next Wednesday. Need to get my score up to atleast 550 on verbal. I'd tell you what I got the first time, but I'm pissed at my score. My writing was a 4.5 and my quantitative part was 590, so basically all I need to do is raise my verbal which if you know me will be a hard process. I can write and write and have it kick some ass but when it comes to the vocab, association crap, reading I seem to lack the general skill. Sad considering my ACT in english was higher than my math (34 for english and 33 for math). Amazing what both college and things of a liquid variety can do to your, or in my case, my mad english skills.

Well I'm gonna get the hell off this damn thing. I have to get up kinda soon, ok I'm lying I get up whenever I want as long as I'm at work by 12-1pm. Currently I'm actually writing a script for my E! True Hollywood Story of the McDonald's Gang. When I'm finished I'll probably post it on something and let y'all have a link to read it and tell me what you think.

Later mofo's... later.


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