Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"Were they built for speed or for comfort? You do the motorboat? You do the motorboat with them?" Vince Vaughn

Well this is my first post in a hell of a long ass time. Generally I would figure that there was an excuse, but truth be told... I'm just a lazy ass and that's how I roll.

For some strange reason I've become obsessed with the song Heat of the Moment by Asia. First I saw it on one of those stupid infomercials about the 80s music and was like "Hmm... that isn't bad" and then it just got stuck in there. Next I buy The 40 Year Old Virgin and like Emeril "bam" it was at the end when he found out that there were two sides to the billboard and that they both hurt equally. By the way if you haven't seen that movie you need to, absolutely hilarious. In the bonus material they show that the "You know how I know you're gay?" was totally made up on the fly. They were originally talking about the one dude's novel and Paul Rudd just started talking. My personal favorite was the "You know how I know that you're gay? You like Coldplay." I can't help but laugh at that... damn funny. Of course the hair removal part was freaking priceless. Steve Carrel was like "Ohh it won't be that bad at all," and then after it he was like "I really wasn't expecting it to hurt that bad," hell he started to bleed after awhile.

Well the College Bowl season has ended with the Texas Longhorns being victorious over the so called "Greatest" NCAA Football team in history. As much as I don't like the Longhorns I was so happy they won just to shut up the media and their USC love fest. What I really loved was the press conference at the end where Matt Linert said that Texas didn't earn they win, USC let it slip away. Maybe it was just me, but he sucked ass in that game and Vince Young could do absolutely no wrong. He torn them a new ass.

Well I'm finally back to work after a long time of no sports happening so I finally have something to do. This week I have to meet with the baseball and softball coaching staffs to help film and log their headshots for the upcoming season. The best part about it is the players come in and try to get the coach to mess up... they always get it a few times and some funny stuff comes out of it. We had Berry talking about Anchorman and he did something and it made it up on the board. Told us that it made him look like an idiot and not serious, but his mother told him to have us keep it cause she loved it.

Currently my life is boring as hell and I'm trying to get up to Houston sometime to get totally smashed with my old roommate Rhet. We are even gonna see if we can get Clint's ass to join us. Should be entertaining as I see the next crop of America's doctors in an inebriated state... muhahaha.


Blogger rena said...

weddign crashers! love it!

8:19 AM  

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