Monday, October 10, 2005

"What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? Heck, I'm not even mad, that's amazing!" - Ron Burgandy

Well here I am posting again in the confines of the Ferrell Center here at Baylor. I was told to come here and make sure that a volleyball game that happened over the weekend was able to get uploaded to the CSTV people (timed out or some crap over the weekend). So I've been here for like an hour and half and have been bored out of my mind. Man I just pulled it up again and I've still got 40 min to go on this damn thing. If the game itself wasn't crappy enough I have to sit here and wait for it to go through. I mean don't get me wrong, the scenery is quite nice and I actually understand most of what goes on here, but I mean come on... this isn't football, baseball, or basketball here.

On to another subject without as much malice and malcontent. I was talking with Sirena and when she told me that when she worked retail that some of the girls would remove those safety tag/paint things with their teeth I felt I had to one up that story, although that is damn funny.

I used to work at a movie theater as most of you know and here is probably my favorite story. So we are at the theater and just doing nothing with Stew, Blake, and I decided that we wanted to do something fun. We decided to make our own slide and took the tops off the new trash cans and used them as a sled of sorts. I was the first to go down and man was that crap fun, although I advice not to try and stop the sled when you hit the flat ground with the bottoms of your shoes... especially rubber ones. I literally took flight and rolled into the wall. Got up and was like "hell yeah that was awesome." So everyone tried it and we all had successful runs. On our last one I did a jump and hit the stairs and just started to fly and went straight through the wall. Considering our uniforms were black it was a bit obvious what I had been doing. So I called my brother up and he was like man what the hell are you doing? So he went to the hardware place and got some plaster, wire, and some puddy stuff and we proceeded to fix the "mark" hole in the wall. It was about 4pm when we finished and then we painted it white to match the wall. That dried with about 30 min or so until our boss came in that night. I was made manager a few weeks later. Course then I found out like a year or so later than she knew about it and didn't say anything...

Anyway there will be other stories coming as well such as fireballs, glass shards, american gladiators, roof golf, and many more.

Have a good Monday and if I hear anyone say anything about having a case of the mondays you'll get your ass kicked. Yeah me and Lawrence from Office Space (or Deidrick as some of you know) will open a can of whoop ass on you.

Later mofo's... later.


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