Life is about people. It's about connections. It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty sanchez, and these cincinnati bowties" - Mooj

Ok tonight was very interesting cause all I remember is going to a bar to meet a few people and the next thing I remember was picking my ass off the floor of an apartment I swear I've never been in. It makes one wonder what in the hell happened. Course being in the state I was I wasn't the most stealth person in the world and actually ran into a door. I open the door and see a familiar face so at least I hadn't just passed out some place. The drive back to my house was fun; a freaking cop tailed me literally the entire way home. I didn't make the same mistake this time though because I waited till I got home to "expel" anything. Previously I had decided to pull off to the side of the highway and pulled a Tommy Boy except I didn't have someone trying to drive away while I was doing it.
Enough making fun of myself, even though I'm sure there are some that relish in the faults of others and you know what I have to say to that? Damn it is fun huh.
Well right now it is a bit after 5am and I can't sleep as if I shut my eyes my stomach seems to start going like a freaking dryer. Today is not going to be a good day at all... I have to be outside almost the whole day setting up stuff at a stadium. I guess that will help me get rid of my newly discovered Irish heritage... damn I got pale all of a sudden.
The other day I went into a Kwik Shop and decided to get a root beer for old time’s sake... also asking for a small paper bag to place it in. I had myself a damn good laugh after I walked out the door and I'm sure those around me were thinking to themselves "what in the hell is wrong with this guy?" Well there was a purpose and I'll go ahead and tell you. When I was probably like 8 or 9 Jack and I decided that we wanted to act like winos and stumble home and see if we could convince anyone that we were drunk. Man we were so ahead of the times it wasn't even funny. We added elements to it as we went like candy cigs and etc. Strangely enough one time in college we actually walked there from Jack's place and walked back... I guess we were merely foreshadowing what was to come in the future.
Well I'm hopefully I pass out here soon because I feel like crap and want to check out.
Word mofo's... word.
sorry you were hungover, your incident with picking yourself off the floor sounds strangely similar to you picking ME off the floor at my least i was in my own stomping grounds
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